Erika Heidi
php developer && open source enthusiast. sometimes writer, sometimes speaker. loves cats, elephpants and unicorns.
- - There's always a first time: the story of my first Pull Request
- - We need to talk about stereotypes in tech
- - Creativity is the Pipeline
- - Never Underestimate the Power of Small Things
- - The Art of Programming
- - Investing your Time
- - The 3 stages of accepting there's a problem and you are part of it
- - The Communication Gap
- - Perspective Matters
- - The Eternal Loop
- - Dev Almighty
- - Hello Humans!
Gabriela D'Ávila
Software Developer with a passion for Databases, sometimes speaker, LEGO lover and a dog person.



Ramon de la Fuente
Company owner, Developer, User group organizer and family man (not necessarily in that order). Likes to build and maintain business critical software with the team at Future500 B.V.

Stefan Koopmanschap
Family man, PHP freak, conference speaker, co-founder of Ingewikkeld, usergroup-maniac, music addict

Tobias van Beek
Dutch web developer, working with PHP. Love to spend some time on opensource projects and helping other people.